Climb into bed, feel something wet under leg. Wtf? I check. Bloody slug...

There was freaking slug in my bed...

Clean it out, change sheets and all (at 4am, I got lost in the code) and then see another one climbing up the side of the bed

  • 14
    Odd place for slugs.
  • 15
  • 3
    Bro do you eat a lot of greens in your bed or something??
  • 10
    I want to throw up.
  • 5
    He just wanted to join and make it a threesome..
  • 14
    how about... I don't know.. maybe..

  • 5
    "See another one climbing up" 😨

    Did you find the source?
  • 6
    Next time fucking hide the pic. Put it in the first comment. You fucking bitch
  • 10
    How the fuck do you get slugs (a species attracted by nothing but salad) as a pest?
  • 5
    @iamai Slugs aren't open source AFAIK.
  • 3
    @zemaitis unfortunately he was only making it a twosome
  • 1
    @iamai looked around, didn't find any others. This hasn't happened more either. I mean, there was a snail on wall near the window once but like.... Near the open window and only once
  • 3
    But two slugs and a snail 😨 If I was in your position I'm sleeping in another room for awhile.

    But two slugs...wanting to get on a bed. Must be a date and you ruined it.
  • 4
    🐛 bugs......... everywhere! 🐛
  • 3
    Do you live with someone? Maybe they've put it there as a joke? :D
  • 2
    How .-.
  • 3
    @rodrigograca31 Imagine having bugs even in your sleep.
  • 2
    Maybe......both were partners 😂😂
  • 2
    I would usually Burn the house down to scare away the unwanted things/people
  • 0
    @halfflat really goes to the question of what a "mind" is.
  • 0
    @halfflat what do you do if you dont mind being asked?
  • 0
    @halfflat now thats nifty.

    have you read "every good regulator is a model of the system it regulates?" and if so what did you think of it?".
    also, just curious, are you familiar with Jeff Hawkins work?

    what about GPT3 and its ability to generalize without specifically being trained to do so? Maybe big data really is the solution to general ai? Where do you see that going?
  • 0
    @halfflat honestly used to think that the sokution to generak ai would be a conglamoration of many narrow ai, but now im not so sure.

    Your field of work is very interesting regardless of what scale you work on. Did you catch the news that axons may act as non-linearities in the brains 'processing'? Suspected that one for a while.

    are there specific types of brain cell you focus on, or cells in soecific regions or layers? or maybe inidividual components like the dendritic arbor, cell surface, axons, axon terminals?

    what kind of models you work on? (if thats okay for me to ask).
    I assume its a soiking based network/cell model, yeah?
  • 0
    @halfflat thats very cool. and pardon the spelling, im on a phone with a tiny screen, makes typing hard.

    you guys publish any research papers or any papers you recommend? Im interested in learning more about what you're doing.
  • 0
    @halfflat reading over the documentation. it looks fantastic.

    quick question - does it model the effects of plasticity and does it account for attenuation
    say far from the cell body?
  • 0
    @halfflat I ask because theres been research suggesting that schwann cells may introduce nonlinear elements into signal prop in humans due to the *length* of our axons...or soemthibg of that nature, im only somewhat familiar. Does the software model the electrical properties of schwan cells?
    is that possible?
  • 0
    @halfflat sorry, when you pointed me to your github repo for it I got excited. your work is fascinating to me and I dont mean to be that guy who points out the edge cases like a stick in the mud lol!

    your focus on *reproducibility* across hardware is genuinely brilliant. theres a lot of "brittle* software out there in the field scientific computing that doesnt take account of varying circumstances. I really enjoyed reading how you guys accomplished load balancing and abstraction from hardware (using cell ids to seed random number generators was a stroke of genius)

    on structural plasticity, would I be wrong to assume that could be simulated with the morphology api? It only comes to mind because you seem to have a pretty solid focus on cell geometry e.x. the step discontinuity example in the docs? Is cell geometry taken into account for transmission equations or is it just incidental? (not talking branching, but say the varying shapes of individual cables in the simulation)
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