
So this is my homework, I have to convert Hexadecimal to Text! And I can also convert the Hexadecimal to Binary!! I LOVE THIS STUFF

  • 13
    Solve it using machine vision. Use opencv or ocr library to read the text from image and convert.
  • 6
    What the hell is the point? It is important to know but four or so lines of python will do that for you.
  • 2
    @Vaccuss were learning it so we can understand it, plus were gonna make a converter with Microsoft Excel
  • 1
    @Bubbles Ahh fair enough. :)
  • 4
    Looking up thing in a table won't teach you anything about computers. Follow @pseudoaj's advice, and you'll learn a ton more about computing from that.
  • 4
    I think it's more important to know the why's of computing, over the how's sometimes. Especially when the how is in excel. That's just absurd.
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