What you do ?
Competitive programming (CP) or Functional programming (FP)?
And if you FP then how much competitive programming you think you need in your job or whatever your current scenario is .

  • 13
    Are they even related or am I missing something here?
  • 3
    Uhhh, what?
  • 4
    Son how are these two opposite? I don't think competitive is a paradigm lmfao
  • 2
    You don't need any "Competitive Programming" to get a job. If someone told you that, they lied to you.
  • 2
    I don't think that means what you think it means.
  • 5
    What do you do, drive a car, or eat cake? If you eat cake then how much do you need to drive for your current job?
  • 0
    I only do functional programming.

    I personally never saw the use of competitive programming.

    I get that some people may like it a lot but it's just not for me.
  • 2
    I'm pretty sure what you think functional programming means is not what it actually means. FP means programming using functions (in the mathematical sense, not as in procedures in C-like languages) as building blocks. Look up Standard ML, Haskell, OCaml, Scala, Clojure etc.

    I did a bunch of competitive programming in FP languages (Haskell and OCaml), it was a fun challenge because it's usually something FP sucks at.
  • 5
    I like PP (penile programming) in which I stick my dick into a usb port on a data center server and then fuse with it into one so I can become the best programmer in the whole multiverse and advance civilization into a new era.
  • 2
    @neeno Gives master-slave architecture a whole new meaning
  • 4
    I’ve been accused of liking Competitive Programming a few times because I’m not a crazy leftist.

    But really, I prefer Object Oriented to Procedural. I also very much enjoy flirting with Functional.
  • 0
    You mean object oriented?
  • 4
    (For those unaware, my comment has quite a bit of hidden meaning.)
  • 0
    @Root atleast someone got my words ..
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