
So,I bought a new laptop (comes with windows preinstalled). I quite like macOS and (some) linux distro. "I'll triple boot, suffer to hackintosh it, install either Ubuntu GNOME or Elementary OS and leave Windows 10" I thought.
Upon further reflection "But why would I need win 10?"
// searches "Why use windows?"
// google "Why is windows so bad"
" Nah, I haven't used win in a long time, I'll give it a go. We were buddies when it was XP. It can't be that bad, it must be better now."

//A few days later it finally arrives
//proceeds to use win10
//unnecessarily complex registration
//makes a new 16gb i7 sluggish

"Let's see what's running on the background"

//downloads ubuntu GNOME, hastily

  • 4
    Stick with Win 7, if you want Windows, Win 10 is still in Beta
  • 2
    I have windows 10 on a desktop (i3,4gb ram) works nice. I use it for audio editing. I do have dual Boot with Ubuntu though.
  • 1
    @mundo03 Glad to hear that.
  • 2
    @mundo03 It's not terrible but next to ubuntu or even macOS I feel the difference
  • 1
    @VenomCLC I'll stick to ubuntu for now
  • 0
    I had an old laptop I wanted to reuse for my son. It has such a weird hardware that no Linux distro I tried worked properly. Enter Windows 10. It just works :P
  • 0
    Windows 8 is pretty nice too imo, especially is you're used to gnome.
  • 0
    @Eariel not even ubuntu? But that's the one thing really. I was a bit worried it wouldn't recognise my gpu, it did though.
  • 0
    @grublle, not even. Ubuntu was the first one I tried, and even tried tweaking it a bit, but I got tired.
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