Devs! Heard about this thing called going to sleep without dreaming about ways to fix a bug?

Whenever I force myself to sleep whenever I get stuck on a bug or confused about the implementation of a feature and started dreaming about the approaches I can take. Most of the time I wake up around 2 or 3 am to try out an idea I had and most of the time it works.
Now I fear this is becoming a habit. Is it something I worry about or ignore since my problem is getting solved?

  • 4
    Exhaustion has symptoms identical to alcohol consumption. In all likelihood, you woke up and your neurons resumed normal function so it merely seems like you dreamed a solution.
  • 2
    My solution it to first take a looong bath, often the brain get time to work through ideas.

    Then I keep pen and paper by the bed in case I wake up so that I can write down any ideas without getting out of bed and hopefully get back to sleep fast. That way I will be able to remember them in the morning to try out.
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    @SortOfTested Hmm Never looked at it that way amazing
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    @Nanos Yehh But Not having enough sleep has it's effects too right
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    Is this related to lucid dreaming?
  • 1
    @PonySlaystation I have been thinking about that lately. I am sure most of us have exp this at one point in our life. I am just amazed at how we are able to think about a problem and run different ways of solving it in mind and wake as soon as we feel we have the answer. It like training an ML model we keep repeating the process until we have the best possible answer that solves the problem. Did we Dev unlock some super power ?? .
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    When I worked for Micron tech support, doing four twelves I would constantly dream that I was troubleshooting my alarm clock.

    Turns out it was a shared experience for all the techs on that schedule.
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    My girlfriend claims that I'm talking about my code in my sleep.. I guess that's the next step lol
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