I was told there's gonna be:
- good salaries
- informal company setups with benefits
- lots of jobs available
- non-dev people look at you in amazement
- get to work on really interesting stuff

What I'm actually doing:
- carrying a team of people in uni because you're the only one who knows how to code
- deal with shitty uncommented legacy code at work
- be reminded that if you don't do something super-sophisticated you're easily replaceable
- spend unpaid overtime hours because you're the only one at your job that is on the issue (I see a pattern of being alone in a problem here)
- requestion all my career decisions
- cry and be stressed
- hate every minute of work, yet be stuck in it because it's a source of income that is flexible enough for me to be able to study full-time

So dunno man, I'm still waiting on what I've been told, people say there's lotsa money and satisfaction waiting for me after grinding through 5 years of high education, it'd better be worth it

  • 14
    That was the case, until hordes of people agreed to work for nothing and corporations realized they could use them to drive down the prevailing wage. So now it's low paid degree-required scut work.

    The world is beautiful! :D
  • 11
    @SortOfTested yup that and "learn to code" "everyone can code" really did a number. I just hope I can get into a more niche branch of the trade where copy paste Web dev people can't really get through
  • 2
    i really felt that. In a similar situation.
    I'm actually asking myself if i should go for a priest career or some what.
  • 0
    @5enchriu for me it would be a personal trainer, something sports-related, or a train driver. But even there the landscape is a bit saturated
  • 0
    Switch to embedded. I know some devs who would fail in setting up an embedded toolchain so it isn't so crowded here I guess.
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