
After whitehat jr.
Indian parents be like :

“Sharmaji ka beta O(n) me solve kiyah , tuh O(n2) mai kyun?“

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    This person is saying that after whitehatjr Indian parents will badger their kids that their neighbors' son solved the problem with O(n) performance so why could you only solve it with O(n^2) performance

    Idk what is whitehatjr though
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    @c0d4 bot down. Cheer it up a bit maybe?
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    @justamuslimguy Whitehat jr is a site that teaches children coding with a specialised cirriculum. Their marketing department does need a big change because of the stuff they promise. There is enough hate on the internet mosly from a guy called pradeep poonia to know what they have done.
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    WHJ barely teaches any programming concepts
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    @theabbie Umm you dont have any proof of that. Firstly you are too old to attend their class so you cannot attend the class. Please provide a video of whitehat jr teaching barelt any programming concepts. I have watched some of pradeeep poonia's videos. Yes you claims are correct but that it only one teacher. Sorry if I am acting like a whitehat jr defender
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 It's a crap idea to teach 1st graders coding when it's better to teach them to think logically. You take their course and after few years, decide if it actually helped you in any way
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 there has been rants about whitehatjr here before explaining their inadequacy very thoroughly so I share @theabbie 's impression
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    @matt-jd Can you link some I have not seen any
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    @cafecortado, this post has been translated from Hindi

    After whitehat jr.
    Indian parents be like:

    "Sharmaji ka beta O (n) me solve kiyah, tuh O (n2) mai kyun?"
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