A CMS raping WordPress so hard up the ass till there is no tomorrow. I hate that bastardized piece of fuck. “Hey I want you to fix my page and its wordpress. I pay 20 bucks.“ Well fuck you too sir. Wordpress is no cms you wanna be coders. Get back to your fucking photoshop and design something original! Every fucking wp page looks the same. Every “nice feature“ is some kind of monkeypatched workarround. No problem i set preview pictures for every post just to enable some weird slider to function.

I also love those buttfucked files with just a “require foo“ which also just requires “bar“. Drop that fuck. Implement autoloading. Nobody uses php4 anymore step into the future. “easy to learn“ fuck me and fuck you untill you vomit jizz! Clusterfucked spaghetticode thats easy, easy to put another rotten load of clusterfuck on top. Also those security features. I put an empty index.php to prevent directory traversal. N I C E! Stop using wordpress as CMS, its a blog engine. Nothing great has every been written on top of wordpress and never will. I dare you to deny everything related to it and if you are one of those designer guyd, you can gargle my jizz you fucknut!

Starting 2017 i will start a counter and rape every 10th Wordpress which gets abused as cms i encounter into oblivion on their 0,99$ webhosting shit.

Fuck this I'm so mad about that crap

  • 10
    Ok ok, I'm sorry, I have dropped WordPress
  • 2
    Totally agree. I am currently actually writing a basic cms, but mostly as a fun side project. It's not finished yet but I already like it more.
  • 3
    I love you
  • 1
    lol I don't mind Wordpress. Try using fucking SiteCore man
  • 4
    Best rant in a while. The anger is palpable.
  • 2
    Why are you doing index.php instead of idk, configuring your web server correctly?
  • 3
    I hate Wordpress for most of the same reasons...I just hate PHP as anything other than a server side HTML generation tool (glorified cgi scripts). When people create backends in PHP I face palm. There are so many better tools for this. Java EE for instance if you have a need for enterprise grade scalable web services or python and a web framework like flask if you need something lightweight.

    People that use PHP exclusively are like people who learn to use a hammer but then refuse to learn to use a screwdriver. They just hammer the screw into the board and make this gnarled ugly device that might work, but is ultimately fragile and hard to fix and maintain.
  • 1
    @DoctorDalek i think he means plugin. Since you don't trust the end client.
  • 0
    @elibyy that still doesn't make sense
  • 0
    @DoctorDalek do explain?
  • 0
    @elibyy what you said didn't match up to what I said and I don't understand what you're trying to say
  • 1
    Bravo... 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍💕
    That's a fucking rant. I'm losing my God damn mind laughing.
  • 3
    Your rant speaks to my soul. May I join your team for 2017?
  • 0
    Prismic.io ?
  • 0
    My vote for the Rant awards 2k16 right here. This spoke to me on a spiritual level.
  • 0
    True, WP is ain't no CMS. Its a fucking Blog. Don't know when people will understand that, and when programmers at WP will understand that.
  • 1
    This would be a reasonable rant if WordPress wasn't free. I have felt all these things at some time... but really - you should just go make something better instead of being angry at some people who sparked half the things on the internet in the past decade. I'm pretty sure it was the fanciest thing there was at some point, and the fact that it's now being used for things as complex as TechCrunch and all sorts of relational applications says that it's pretty awesome, even if slightly hacked together on top of a slightly old PHP blog platform and that it's heavy because it's trying to do too many things. At some point, you have to see the reality of how software changes and that not everything can be Angular 2.1 today AND tomorrow. If people really built platforms that just 'did everything well' we would be super fucked. Just look at wk31. Building a better CMS is pretty small in the big picture + about 10 companies are doing it as we speak.
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