>Dev: How many eggs do you put in the cake?
>GF: 3 or 4
>Dev: Ok, I'll put 7.

  • 1
    This one made me laugh so high... XDDDD
  • 1
    Good one.
  • 2
    Wow, a joke I actually get on Devrant. I don't know alot of languages, so I often don't get alot of jokes on here, so, this is pretty cool to me :)
  • 1
    >Mathematician: fits better than >Dev:
  • 3
    @ac1235 I have never seen a mathematician using a bitwise OR outside of a computer program.
  • 0
    @deadlyRants The clue is in the name.
  • 2
    How does 'or' sum? 🤔
    Python: 3 or 4 == 3
    Math: {3} union {4}: {3, 4}

    Reference plxxx?!
  • 3
    @eldamir in pure mathematical logic OR is sometimes written as ∨, sometimes as +

    2 OR 3 is sometimes written as 2 ∨ 3
    or as 2 + 3 being 5

    also AND is sometimes written ∧ and sometimes ×
  • 0
    @ac1235 huh. Never saw that before. Guess I should've finished school
  • 0
    @eldamir I visit year 9 at school, therefore I don't think that you have to do so
  • 3
    @ac1235 huh, really? I thought the joke was about bitwise operators...did not know it was addition
  • 5
    @ac1235 written in bits:
    100 | 011 = 111 -> 7
  • 0
    @ac1235 also:
    100 & 011 = 000 -> 0
  • 3
    OK, so this joke is funny in two ways ;)
  • 0
    I'd put 1 as it's not bitwise or and 4 || 5 casted to int ought to become 1 no?
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