
Interviewer: "Give me an example of a time you made a significant contribution to a particular community."

Me: "This one time I got a +6 on my devRant"

  • 0
    nice to meet you
  • 0
    As a newly qualified dev (graduated 2 years ago) this question just terrified me

    What sort of stuff could you say apart from an open source contribution? Would keeping a programming blog count?
  • 3
    I saved people from making a career with php 😁
  • 1
    No stickers for you then ;)
  • 2
    @linxlad haha I beg to differ now ;)
  • 1
    @smittey didn't mean to scare you, pal! open source would be my best bet. or creating an app/solution to a problem which helps a load of people?
  • 1
    One time I helped a farmer spread manure on his field. I have experience shovelling crap. Am I hired?
  • 0
    where y from @hannah
  • 1
    @SD010 you sir can have my +1!
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