We have open office. I had this co-worker Intern who sits right at the corner of the development team and farts silently. Sometimes there's no smell or little but sometimes it smells like he has shit on this pants.

No one knew that he was the one who farts in the office because he was always quiet and doing his job and doesn't react whenever anyone says anything to him.

On a friday evening when we were having drinks with other coi-workers in the office, he got high and told everyone that he was the one who farts silently in the office. Actually that was his last day of Internship too.

  • 1
  • 9
    After reading first sentence, I was expecting Open Office vs MS Office compatibility rant... :)
  • 2
    @tnnn Me too... I spent ages trying to figure out how the choice of Office suite was relevant here, then I had an "Oh I see" moment.
  • 2
    So you get drunk and high in your office and kick someone out because hes farting?
  • 3
    @iceman No, I didn't mean that. He wasn't fired or kick out. His 3 months was over and he was going back to school.
  • 1
    Awesome Story ❤️
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