wtf google chrome? who the heck decided that this could be a good idea??? will have to remove chrome from my circley icon dock 😔

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    I don’t get it, what’s wrong here?
  • 3
    @d-fanelli chrome icon itself is a circle but the icon pack doesn't make it a circle by giving white border to it
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    And why is that a problem? I don’t understand, sorry
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    OCD issues. Been there felt that (as someone who likes to rice my distro)
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    Oh. I was thinking it’s some sorta bug, it’ll go.
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    I had even restarted my system trying to make it back to normal
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    Lol I noticed it yesterday too and thought the same. Wtf!
    And the icon changed even though I didn't update chrome yet.
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    @d-fanelli the icon used to be without the white background. they suddenly changed it and it's annoying lol. if you don't have ocd like i do, i guess it's not that big of a deal.
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    @scout it's "the new icon on Macs" ☚ī¸https://support.google.com/chrome/...
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    @milotrince great! Now my mac desktop looks like Android! 😒
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    The same person who decided to put the same colors and geometric shapes on all Google icons, an idiot in other terms.
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