
Android development is such an enormous realm. It's simply incredible.

Even after more than 2 years of programming android apps, I can experience a different exception every day!

  • 0
    I experience Resoureces.notFoundException every day it seems.
  • 3
    Because of the Java, not Android :D
  • 1
    man.. don't get me started on Android
  • 0
    The amounts of code I have to write with Android (mostly because of Java) bugs me. But I still like Android programming
  • 1
    Kotlin or Xamarin! There are better ways then with java!
  • 0
    The SDK sucks, but there are some nice libraries (Retrofit, Butterknife, Realm, ...). Also Kotlin ftw.
  • 0
    @freekid dude why not scala or groovy? I used groovy for my project and will experiment scala sometime soon. Java is too time consuming and horribly long.
  • 0
    I can totally relate.
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