
Funny, cool or useful iTerm2 and/ or Webstorm plugins?

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    0-100 real quick
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    webstorm seems to bulky and slow. i like vscode;

    My terminal of choice is hyper.is + ohmyzsh + spaceship
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    @Scriptero Webstorm is generally better as an IDE, and let's not forget that VS Code is Electron based... so I think it's a bit unfair to call webstorm bulky and slow
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    @12bitfloat might be true, thats just my personal opinion. i worked with phpstorm for years, but i just think vscode is more modern and the ecosystem is just huge :b

    Is there actually anything you can do with webstorm but u cant on vscode?
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    @Scriptero From my experience a "real" IDE has more comfort features like real symbol search, complex refactoring features, that sort of stuff
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    Safe Delete is the real hero in WebStorm
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    Nyan cat loading on webstorm ? And useful, well depends on what you're working on I guess
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    @Lyniven Lmao, I have pokemon loader plugin on webstorm as of yesterday. Never was a fan of pokemon series, but makes my work life a bit less moody.
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