
I love Ada, it seems to be a pretty unpopular opinion, and maybe I’m biased because the best organized project I’ve worked on happened to be in Ada, but that’s association not causation.

However, the lack of multi-line comments in a language made to have specific custom type compliance seems like a fairly decent oversight. Wouldn’t you expect the authors to want to explain about their types?

The other thing that is a draw back about Ada is searching for help. I love the Americans with Disabilities Act as much as anybody, but but somehow “Ada language types” will still bring up ADA info. (Yes “-disability” helps but it’s an extra step)

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    Have you tried Rust? What's your opinion on the differences between the two

    I've always wanted to take a look at Ada but it never really seemed like a general purpose programming language you would use for your average project
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    @12bitfloat Ha, my feelings and experience with Rust mirror yours about Ada.

    Ada has been quite good for off line projects that need low overhead. It’s compile time error checking is top notch. And if I was starting a new project I’d enforce even the semantic warning flags. Sort of a way to have the language enforce project rules for you.
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    @jeeper What about dynamic memory management and stuff like that? Is it actually usable for let's say a static site generator?

    On the topic of Rust: It's actually surprisingly general purpose for a systems language, so much so that I seriously prefer it over Python for quick scripting. It's kinda weird how versatile Rust is
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    @12bitfloat I don’t think it has any sort of dynamic memory management built in, but if you were determined, you could define types that did that. I imagine Ada could be expanded upon with a sort of custom types repository service. Implement the type how you want it, then use it freely in procedures and functions as needed.

    I really need to try rust, especially if you are picking it up over python for smaller tasks.
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    @jeeper Sounds great. I also need to take a look at Ada.

    If you're interested in rust, this might get you stated faster:

    - "The Rust Book" - OpenSource, holy, great book. Everyone recommends it
    - "Rust by example" - Awesome as well. Gives you mainly examples
    - "Rustlings" - Small snippets with problems to learn it. Havent used it yet, but everyone likes it

    Ide support:
    Extensions for IntelliJ/CLion, Atom, VSCode and more.
    I personally prefer VSCode with the newer (still kinda experimental but really great) extension "rust-analyzer". Some cargo related ones cant hurt too

    - rustup.rs: Installer and manager of rust. Use this to install rust.
    - cargo: Like "make" in C or npm in Node but even more (docs, tests, ...).
    - crates.io: Source of all packages (called crates). (I personally prefer lib.rs over it which is basically a skin).
    - docs.rs: All the docs. Proves how great the ecosystem is.

    I hope this helps. Maybe do some adventofcode.com to get started. ;)
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