
Check out LSD microdosing guys.
Sober or coffeeinated I used to loose context everytime I put down my headphones to get refreshment or have a piss. With 10-20 mcg of LSD after breakfast my thoughts tend t stick a lot better.

There's an interview on the web with a Cisco hardware engineer describing his experiences. The subreddit /r/microdosing also provides a good start.

  • 4
    inb4 a co-worker figures out your account and blackmails you for a free microdose.
  • 1
    I could never do this, but I appreciate your radicalism!
  • 1
    That seems expensive and awesome
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    Like real LSD?
  • 2
    is it scientifically proven that LSD doesn't fuck up something in your body? Not sure if it's only me or what but I think that using drugs is so unnecessary. You can achieve anything without it, believe yourself.
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    And fucks up your brain...
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    Where do you get it?
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    @grublle no matter where you are you shouldn't be paying more than 10 bucks for a blotter. cutting it in 10 pieces you end up around where you would with FDA approved nootropics like Armodafinil: Cheaper than a 3rd wave coffee.
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    It really doesn't, many studies were done about it and aside from the possibility of psychosis if you take too much and your mind is not ready there is no actual harm in taking it
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    There's enough variation from one person to the next, so understandably many will react differently to things like this... But personally, I find a slim joint with some nice smooth kush helps the most.

    My mind is overactive though, always has been. Since I always tend to overtook things, my trick is to slow my mind down ever so slightly, making it easier for me to concentrate on one task at a time.
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    @trueter might give it a try, seems like the sort of thing that I need. Coffee has too much of a spiky curve, I always end up sleepy and tired.

    Does it messes with you sleep though?
  • 1
    @grublle If you drop it around breakfast time it should not. The later you take it the more likely it could interfere, but personally i don't experience any trouble.
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    @eeeddr didn't know. Good to know.
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