Need a new portfolio website to be approved by apple (yea I know...) so decided to build one based on me because I'm so vain. Made a pretty little terminal window that looks like my tmux theme because I can. Complete with stupid commands.

Best way of spending 3 hours 😂

Feel free to play with it! https://pedantic-bartik-8fb191.netlify.app/...

ps: the input selection is a bit buggy (bad UX) click the cursor if it doesn't type

repo if you're interested https://github.com/bashleigh/...

  • 2
    I like it.

    I have no idea what anyone at Apple thinks about anything but I like it.
  • 2
    Great idea for a Portfolio site. Really original and beautifully designed.
  • 3
    You did this in 3 hours?! Sick puppy congrats
  • 2
    I managed to break it with long strings.
    Looks sick btw. I like the responses on some commands like ssh :D
  • 1
    It's awesome! I like the style and the idea very much
  • 3
    Love the idea, it's awesome.

    Maybe work on your colours a bit (looks too contrasty!), I dunno maybe you were trying to go for a whole fun, multi-color vibe. U knw just ma 2 cents!!
  • 1
    Damn that's awesome, very creative. Mine is just some text in a white background because I suck at design, so I hide behind the "minimalist" concept...
  • 1
    This is awesome!!!! I laughed at the response to ssh in the terminal! Great job!
  • 2
    Thanks guys :) I thought you’d like it! I do need to play with the colours! So I shall take that critique! Does look different on different devices. It is weird looking but cool at the same time!
  • 0
    Very nicely done!
    Being a backend dev, I don't think I can do this in 3 days :P
  • 0
    > Automation Design and "Impelmentation"?
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