First day i developed with Windows.. Thank you Microsoft

  • 2
    You mean "last day"
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    Hallo, deutscher linux-benutzer ^^
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    @linuxer4fun Haha hallo^^
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    I don't understand why people are so upset about OS updates. Was it better when they were releasing service packs every 1-2 years? You get new features, firmware, bug fixes nearly every month now you should be happy about it. Just set your active hours and leave it alone, your computer should be there to use when needed if you set it right.
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    @ygtgngr yeah you are right. But i hate it when you are away 1 hour while your pc is running, come back, started working again and your pc restarts because of Updates. And no os does this except windows
  • 0
    @MsGeburt did you set your active hours? For example min is set to 6AM-12AM so even if gets a defender update it will download but not install in that period if I don't force it to do so.
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    @ygtgngr yes i did this but i guess he updated during the working hours
  • 1
    @ygtgngr we love rolling linux distros
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