"The phoenix project" book

  • 3
    Is this a recommendation? Should I hate it? I'm having a neurotic breakdown here 😣
  • 1
    Ah yes, it is a book.
    I think. I haven’t verified.
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    @AtuM *laughs at 451 Fahrenheit*
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    Maybe it's an idea for a book 🤔

    Surely it's not this $240 book 😕

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    Most of those Phoenix are still in ash phase
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    I really enjoyed it, but I felt cheated that it wasn't a real story (or based on a real story at least.) It does make a lot of good points, but there's times where its fiction shines through a bit too much.
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    @mucalena ok, so yes it's the $240 book 😦

    Is it a good book?
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    @C0D4 really that much WOW, it should only be around a few $. Would recommend getting off ebay or audible, defo don't pay 240 for it
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    @mucalena probably that damn Australian tax 😅

    But I'll try another source for it.
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    What is it, a text book required for a pointless (but required) $350 class? I feel like I’m in college again.
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    @AlmondSauce > "I really enjoyed it, but I felt cheated that it wasn't a real story"

    I would think anyone that works/worked for an internal (large~ish) IT shop ran into the exact situations and near word-for-word conversations found in the book. I know I had.
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    @PaperTrail Exactly, which is why it could have been so much better if it was a retelling of an actual story.

    The only bit I found a bit implausible was Eric. You wouldn't have this mystery figure just swanning around giving everyone half arsed riddles to solve. No-one puts up with that crap, no matter how much they know.
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