
I carelessly took a freelance project to make an app.....there was a friend involved so I was careless, shared all the code....and they refused to pay, ridiculed me too..... and I could do nothing...... I dnt care about the money; but I feel so insulted and I was being so nice and civil, and they behaved this way,..... anything I can do to their stupid website? https://spasgo.com
Nothing major...just a little something to annoy......

  • 1
    I see debug mode is enabled in prod, that's something.

    Exception Stack Trace
    at SpaComplex.Controllers.WellnessController.PackageDetails(SearchVM search, Int32 packid, Nullable`1 currencyid, String traveldate, String pro) in F:\SpaComplexGiata\SpaComplex\Controllers\WellnessController.cs:line 276
  • 1
    Yeah they’re still working on it, but I don’t know what to do with that??
  • 1
    The payment gateway is in sandbox too
  • 5
    The contact form doesn't seem to have a captcha. It would be trivial to write a script to spam their inbox. Just a thought...
  • 2
    Do you have any API keys? You could rack up some costs in whatever cloud environment they're in, but idk if that would work since most cloud providers refund you if you say it was a mistake.
  • 2
    Also, I see on their About page they have a field to input a phone number. I'm presuming it's to send a link for something. I'd almost be willing to bet they're being charged by number of SMS sent
  • 3
    Ok, great ideas. Also, They aren’t using any API keys!!
  • 2
    @TjasPRG yes sms gateway they have a paid one
  • 2
    Give me their real world address and let me handle it.
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