Obligatory I hate C++ rant

And no, I don't care what anyone has to say, you have to be masochistic to enjoy working with this crap

  • 8
    It's up to the developer to decide if they write gold or crap with c++. The language allows either option.
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    @electrineer the language itself, and more so the tooling around it is what I would call awful to work with

    The quality of the code others write is like playing Russian roulette except only 1 slot doesn't have a bullet in it
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    @electrineer the language is not clean imo. Even the best gold will be covered in dirt.
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    I guess you've never managed to know C++ is the first place.
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    @halfflat idk if I'm still in the first phase or if I skipped the second one....
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    The rule of 0/3/5 is a nice example of how much of a pain in the neck C++ can be (and is, honestly) to work with

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    @halfflat I usually work with a subset of the language. Less exposure to the really WTF parts. Sometimes reading other peoples' code I wonder about their life choices. There is some really "interesting" code out there.
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    @12bitfloat I needed that but I don't like the fact that I did.
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    All that templating syntax is ugly
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    C++ comes with the huge benefit of plausible deniability of intent when it comes to backdoors:
    It is ultra easy to purposefully include an RCE in the code for which it is impossible to prove intent from just looking at the source.
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    @Oktokolo I really like Musk’s inatruction on not so obvious abbreviations. What the hell is RCE?
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    Remote Code Execution.
    That is the most dangerous exploit class. It also is the only exploit class that can almost completely be downgraded to DoS (Denial of Service) by just using a memory-safe language...
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    Not masochistic, once you understand enough of that mess it's enjoyable to work with.

    At least that's my humble opinion
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