
R is the worst language.

* Indices start at 1, so you have to fix all your calculations by either +1 oder -1. It sucks

* Vectors and Lists are both neither vectors nor lists

* Data frames dont have a proper api. Simple operations like add or remove are a pain.

* The naming „conventions“ suck. Why on earth would add dots in your identifiers? You never know if its an object, a value, a function.

* The namespace is cluttered. If you import two libraries that deal with the same problem domain, it is likely that they define functions with clashing names that will overwrite each other defined on import.

  • 18
    That's what you get when a couple of statisticians design a language.
  • 7
    Wow this is severe!
    Overwriting colliding identifiers, holy shit!
    Every proper programming language should refuse to compile with a proper error message and provide a way to disambiguate the identifiers.

    Imagine the pain trying to find bugs caused by this!
  • 3
    Indices do not matter.
  • 2
    I do prefer Python to R... but meh, you can get used to pretty much anything... what's more important is knowing the rules, not the rules themselves
  • 0
    Cannot ggplot ggsave in for loop... You need to print(ggplot) hack to get it work ... Whhhattt the fuck
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