
Found where electric scooters spawn

  • 4
    Every time I see large numbers of identical things, it makes me wonder if there’s an arbitrary code execution exploit in reality. Same with quantum computations and timing attacks, virtual particles and duping, ...

    Over a decade of game dev (and during/later: security) did things to my mind.
  • 5

    public GameObiect prefab;

    for(;;) {
    Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity);

    Infinite scooters until the universes RAM runs out!
  • 3
    @Ranchonyx the RAM will never run out. Before that, the scooters will collapse into a black hole.
  • 4
    From that manhole?
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx @Lensflare Black hole would garbage collect most of it!
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    @Pogromist Just wanted to say they seem to worship the occult circle.
    The fan patterned dial of infinite depts. Project clutter is spewing sewage in clever seemingly useful disguise.
  • 3
    Oh, didn't even notice that there's scooters stack on the left...
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx public Rigidbody prefab;

    I love unity and c#
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    @Pogromist 😂 Then what did you notice first
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    @Eklavya scooters at the back 😆
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    @Eklavya why Rigidbody tho? You can use a general GameObject and then just GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
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    @Ranchonyx That can be also done but I like to drag and drop the gameobjects🙂
  • 1
    @Pogromist 😂😂
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