
Would you recommend React Native, or Electron for a not really experienced programmer?
I am just starting with JavaScript, and these two tools are the most fascinating to me. :)
I have been learning C# in school, but mostly had to teach myself in the past year.

Anyway, thank you, if you answer, it is really nice on devRant, and it's my first developer community to be part of! :D
Sorry for the broken english - not my primary language.

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    i would recommend you get your hands dirty with some C first, try to grasp how computer executes code, not necessarily make any thing useful, just explore it, then dig more into C#, maybe try asp.net or make a winforms app, i highly discourage you start with JavaScript, it's confusing, counterintuitive, and is the most misunderstood language in the net, even tho it's one of the most powerful, electron is a fat cow, but if it works for you, then use it, but maybe give python or ruby a try first
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    Javascript is like any other language, has his pros and cons. Some love, some hate. For any language, you should learn it first. Start basic and evolve.
    I would start learning javascript, then start doing some app that interest you with any framework of your choice. Then move to electron or reactNative or Native script.
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    Don't throw yourself at the deep end, set that as a goal and work up to it.
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    Why not electron with React for Web?
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    I recommend you learn basic JavaScript and be familiar with all its nuances before diving into any of its thousands of frameworks. Fundamentals never fail. That's what I did. After learning JS I learned react and then react native. I guess you could do react native without react. It's kind of the same thing just different platforms. After you get familiar learn redux
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    Considerable answers, thank you!
    Guess I have to dive deeper to find the best which fits me.:D
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