tried to use devrant.com on a mobile browser: login only possible when spoofing desktop user agent, although at first sight, the site seems to work well in a responsive view. After upvoting 2 posts, website keeps nagging to install the app and sends disfunctional redirects. How can any website be broken on mobile in 2021?

  • 4
    You’d be surprised...
  • 0
    Why aren’t you using the app though?
  • 2
    dfox wants to focus on mobile app, website only exists because people want to use it on desktop, I know it's bad, dfox doesn't listen, he even blocks people who build alternate mobile website clients.
  • 2
    @Cyanide I do not understand why should I use a native app for something without any native functionality? I already have a mobile browser app (actually more than one) and it is able to cache assets. But as I only knew devrant as a website in my desktop browser, I probably have been missing out on some of the essential features that this community is really about? (no offense to you, I am seriously curious)
  • 0
    @fraktalisman Nah bro, no offense taken. I was curious, too.

    dR website should be enough generally except some features that are exclusively on app and maybe because of notifs functionality and such?
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