Who encodes a whole gif inside the main CSS of a multifolder JS app without any documentation as to what it is? My university, that's who.

  • 3
    This looks so pleasing
  • 1
    @RazorSh4rk I hope you're joking.
  • 1
    I'm sure there's an explanation. No idea what it is, but there must be.
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    Nope, the guy is just a liiiittle dumb. Used JS+SASS+Ruby+Node+PHP for the simplest webapp ever, did heaps of dumb things (added dependencies that do literally nothing but slow down the code, minified half the source code, converted all the pngs into SVGs and then added a tool to convert them back in the code (presumably because he didn't know how CSS scaling worked), used local font files instead of the CDN, somehow broke the requireJS lib so that the app will only run from a webhost and not locally, etc etc)
  • 3
    @enitoni no, huge blocks of unintelligible code are my aesthetic
  • 0
    Ha. This reminds me of one time, I was facing an issue with a multi-page upload to my backend of an Android app in a hackathon. We decided to encode it as a base64 and send it as a post request. Not proud of it, but hey, we won the hackathon.
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    And 99.9% wordpress "coders", because it is cool and looks nerdy.
  • 2
    One day you will look back at your code and you will say this and then suddenly remember you wrote it.

    We all start somewhere and we all suck. But good developers suck a little less each project.
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