
I'm the only programmer in the company. Sometimes it's exhausting doing everything. I'm currently working on 3 iOS apps, a web app, building out the APIs and managing the databases at the same time.

Full fucking stack. Every day.

  • 4
    Are you even human?
  • 11
    Is your last name CPU
  • 2
    Same here, multiple projects front to back it's exhausting and know one around to actually bounce ideas off of.
  • 3
    @bcom that's my biggest downer. No one to collaborate with. No one to double check and make sure I should do this or not lol.
  • 2
    I know your pain! When I get stuck I go around to a few people in the office and try to explain it in layman terms to see their response.. sometimes helpful but mostly I end up cussing in the hall back to my office
  • 2
    You should be more than a ptogrammer. You are a wizard bro.
  • 2
    at least no1 fucks you up...
  • 0
    That's x7 jobs by my count!

    Time for a x7 salary increase, I hope
  • 1
    @stisch sounds reasonable enough to me! Some days I wonder what life would be like to have a dedicated designer or web developer. Might be hiring an intern over the summer.

    *crosses fingers*
  • 0
    You sir, Are A Full-Multiple-Stack Developer XD
  • 0
    You are a legend friend. Mind me asking where you work? Junior Full Stack JS dev on the hunt here
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