Can we use this tool to invite collaborators to our projects ? Specifically is there a section of this dedicated to advertising our projects as open to collaboration ?

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    There was, but I believe it was removed? @dfox
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    Please, no advertisements. If you do this, at least with some care, like proper context.
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    You can share a collab, but that's not an ad and you shouldn't treat it as such. Make the description informative and avoid subjective sentences like "great opportunity" or "revolutionary technology". Be honest about the state of the project and the specialities you need, if any. Describe every element of the stack. And remember, collab means cooperation and co-ownership. The candidate may settle for something else, but if you're looking only to hire this is probably the wrong place.
  • 0
    @vintprox well more like 'hey i'm looking for people who want to help me work on something' something open source specifically.
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