Any Software Developers for Cortana here? How does it feel?

  • 7
    MS update testers: zero
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    @deadlyRants heh, they make it for a perfect excuse
  • 6
    @deadlyRants Microsoft has millions of update testers, they're called "end users".
  • 2
    Cortana sucks in the UK not that useful at all. Most of the time I forget it's there although to be fair I have disabled most of it as I don't want the performance drain.
  • 3
    I personally like a built in spy tool that monitors audio in its environment
    And doesn’t parse what I say effectively half the time lol
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    @MadMadMadMrMim I have a tower unit with no inbuilt microphone, if I unplug it Cortana is as deaf as a dead man lol.
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    @cervantes01 well arent you just a fancy desktop havin man makin us laptop havin people feel subject of kgb intrusion :P
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    Take gpt-3, wait for gpt4, give it the ability to remember and hold an a total conversation, and millions of people would drop money on it.

    Cortana though isn't worth the time it takes to load into ram.
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    @MadMadMadMrMim so you don't have an iphone or and android phone, that's always with you everywhere, every tine and most probably always connected to the internet (while your pc most probably doesnt fit all these cases)
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    @dontbeevil what do you think?
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    @MadMadMadMrMim you tell me, do you have an android or ios phone?
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    @dontbeevil what do you think ? :P
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    @dontbeevil years ago that would have been an uncertain thing and honestly i find myself wishing it still was.
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    @dontbeevil however it makes me easier to screw with beause i can get given bum directions and get lost or take extra time getting somewhere.
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