I'm sitting in the computer room trying to program, but my teacher is playing a record of a fucking live concert with his monitor's speakers. Earphones are disallowed here, and we are not allowed to do this outselves, and I can't work like that. TEACHER CEASE YOUR SHIT AND LET US WORK

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    He turned the music off... Did he read my rant? Lol
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    And he turned it on again AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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    @filthyranter have you tried telling him that it's annoying and that you can't concentrate /work like this? what kind of teacher is that anyway. How is that allowed...
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    What OS is he running, is his PC on the same network as you (can you see his PC), any open ports ?

    And if any network experts are here, to try and help you quietly take remote control over his device and mute the audio.

    If the ask him to turn the volume down options doesn't work.
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    @gacbl Windows 10 Edu, but we can't access other PCs (not enough rights).

    Also, he switched to his phone's speakers later.
    Anyway, I was still able to finish a single assignment.
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