
When your school/workplace has got internet:
Lan: 100mb/sec
Wlan: 25 kb/sec

  • 0
    Want me to make you jealous? This was my basic dorm internet when I was doing my masters in Germany :P
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    @drflawless ich geh bald auf eine schule die verspricht 2 gb/sek zu haben ^^
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    @ohYogi WoW man 2 GB is really good, especially in Germany, do they specify the d/u speeds? Btw I answered in English because I don't know the Devrant's policy on Non English languages
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    @drflawless Actually I have got this information from a student who's going there, so I don't know anymore...
    (That's nothig compared to NASA's 91 gb/sec xD)
  • 1
    @ohYogi If I worked at NASA I wouldn't use that for my personal gain. Jk I would torrent the shit out of it. And possibly use 2048 bit encryption on every page, not that it will do anything, i just think It would fun to see a single webpage which is like 4gigs. Would propably require a special browser tho I don't think any browser can handle that much temp.
  • 0
    übrigens WLAN gibt es nur im Deutschen...WiFi ist der internationale begriff :)

    aus Versehen necromanced... my bad
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