Wait, you mean to tell me, here I am with imposter syndrome, and some people can't even write a test for is-odd? Like people who are *less* competent than that are actually passing interviews?

  • 4
    That's just assert(true, !is-even()) right?
  • 4
    Bc their interviews are like this:
    Q) do you know react?
    A) yes
    Q) do you know machine learning?
    A) yes
    Q) kubernetes?
    A) yes
    Q) node js?
    A) yes
    Qmongo db?
    A) yes
    Q) microservices?
    A) yes
    Q) hired

    Prior to this, a competent honest dev interviews

    Q) do you know react?
    A) yes
    Q) machine learning?
    A) no
    Q) rejected
  • 1
    is-odd? I ain’t no math maja! I’m a dev bro! Abstract all dat shit dawg
  • 2
    Everyone has self-assigned imposter syndrome these days.
  • 3
    @TeachMeCode If "rejected" is a Q, you can just answer "no" so you're still hired.
  • 3
    @aviophile True. The issue is fitting the right person with the right job.

    We have an intern who only knows CSS — after explaining how to integrate that knowledge into Vue components, he's steadily rebranding & freshening up our whole codebase.

    As a company, you just have to make sure you fit a styling monkey like that into a team where that labor has value, and give him plenty of opportunity to learn Javascript in the mean time.

    No need for impostor syndrome.
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