

Another one. Next phone is definitely an Android. Fuck this shit.

  • 2
    @-red Time to switch to Android, my man.
  • 4
    I knew it before opening the post.


    The other day my cousin was installing a call recorder.
    One friend said they were not able to perform basic function.
    And many more such stories.

    What's the point of paying so much for a fancy UI when basics are doable.
  • 2
    @-red form 16s are out already?

    @Cyanide Also Android provides much more flexibility via community.
  • 2
    @-red jobless again?
  • 2
    Well, to be fair one is not better than other.
    The only almost perfect phone OS was Windows phone.
    Ios and android are both crap.
    I have S10 right now, since last update (last week) : No more call notifications. NONE. I just get “Missed call”. On :
    • Regular calls
    • Whatsapp calls
    • Skype
    The only app still ringing is Telegram.
    I’m seriously considering blocking all system updates. That shit EVERY time breaks something.
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript The fuck are you doing with a Samsung? When I say Android, I exclude Samsung and Chinese altogether.
  • 1
    @Cyanide it's the same shit....... But at least with samsung I get a nice phone. Go use your brick Ara project. It's cool, but ugly AF.

    The problem is Android, not Samsung.

    And if you "exclude Samsung and Chinese", what are you using ? There is NOT ONE android phone manufactured anywhere else than China.
  • 2
  • 3
    @asgs Lumia 950 XL is still working !

    Edit, each time I read your name as "args", sorry lol
  • 1
    @-red lucky bastard. How did you mange to achieve that?
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