Who else is tired of fancy new buzz words in and around software engineering (for practices and ideas that have been around long time in the industry).....
So we have to go back to school for english not the engineering ?

  • 6
    Oh man, don't even get me started on industry buzzwords. I've had the same job for nearly three years but I've had four job titles in that time, all composed almost entirely of buzzwords. DevOps might be the worst of them all, especially when my employer gets it wrong and thinks it means "hire one person for five jobs."
  • 4
    Meanwhile I am working on a Quantum Blockchain AI Flux Reverser...
  • 2
    @Demolishun Hope it’s Agile, or I won’t be using it.
  • 1
    @platypus This was a perfect response. You win the internet today!
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