  • 6
    And Bill doesn't rant about javascript at all (except if he's a beginner). Be like Bill.
  • 6
    @Mayhem93 Apply cold water to the burnt area
  • 9
    "Bill just created bill.js. Fuck Bill. Seriously"
  • 10
    That's why the bills get paid.

    "I'll show myself out 😂"
  • 1
    @RStrydom I'm going to comedy hell for laughing at this
  • 1
    Always wondered why JS has so many frameworks. Are there so many problems that they try to solve?
  • 2
    @gitpush there are just so many things you can do with it so people take a shot
  • 0
    Attention. New framework, called AppleSauce.js. its better than Angular and Vue. Get it now....
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