If you can't buy happiness with money, then you don't have money.

Who agrees

  • 7
    Weight set

    For happiness needs there’s money
    For lifelong slavery there is MasterCard
  • 7
    True. Better to cry in a Ferrari, than cry homeless on the road.
  • 4
    @divinedragon Not if you ran over the homeless man and now you are charged with manslaughter.
  • 1
    I bought some chocolate yesterday. Money can absolutely buy happiness. I think that chocolate helped me experience nirvana.
  • 3
    Good for making jokes, but in reality, matter of personal perspective.. Met extremely poor people who are on daily basis 10 times more happy and satisfied with life than i will ever be. I would say you can buy distraction from everyday life misery but not happiness.
  • 1
    Money only gets you through some of it. I'd say that psychologically, as your money approaches infinity your hapiness will approach say 9/10 of what it can be. But there are some pieces of the puzzle that money can't get you to feel truly complete. But you can achieve 10/10 hapiness without money so, it seems money is only an approximation of hapiness, but it's not the real deal.
  • 1
    @Demolishun no problem. You can buy your way out of that one in any Catholic church and most governments.
  • 1
    I earn enough to buy whatever the fuck I could want but I ain't super happy without just chilling out with my friends.

    (Or a good whiskey, let's be honest)
  • 2
    The true form here is power. Money is just an accepted "civilized" form of power.

    It sucks to be powerless but depending on your personality it's more important to your happiness.
  • 2
    Lol u dumb hahaha 😂😂
  • 0
    You need enough money for money issues to make you more sad.

    After that people are as happy as people will be. No amount of money will change that.

    Also, hapiness isn't crazy important. Not being happy != unhappy. It's okay to sit around 6/10. No need to go crazy looking for 10/10
  • 0
    The joke they were telling people is they could get rich being lazy nasty mean spirited bitchy hos

    And then they started resetting everything heh
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