
Working from home since March 2020. I miss dev conferences, free swag excitement, and lunches with my colleagues.

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    If you live near your coworkers, plan to meet up for lunch or something. I did that with one of my coworkers and it was amazing just to be able to talk face-to-face for the first time in over a year.
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    @EmberQuill I changed jobs at the beginning of 2021, my current company is fully remote and now all my co-workers are god-knows-where.
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    I find it really hard to work for a company that is fully remote. WFO/H should really be left to the employees
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    @asgs technically I can work from office, but office is in London, and I am not.
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    @asgs yeah I keep getting recruiters contacting me with fully-remote jobs. Even if the pay was good (and it usually isn't) I wouldn't take it because I hate full-time remote and I'm counting down the days until I can go back to the office.
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