literally what the fuck is the point of C++
>takes 3 years to make anything half-functional
>language was made in like fucking 1902 so it's damn near fucking impossible to make anything that works without sifting through bumfuck retarded syntax/libraries
>error messages that tell you absolutely nothing of use and are indecipherable garbage 90% of the time
fuck C, fuck it's retarded downie little brother C++, and fuck the stupid fucking boomers who say you're not a real programmer unless you force yourself to become a masochist by using either one of these stupid fucking languages
"oh but it's fast!!11!1!!" yeah but working with it sure as fuck isn't
half the fucking time if I just stop including certain headers in another file then the compiler throws like literally 400 fucking errors at me even though the thing(s) I excluded had no bearing on whatever the compiler decides it wants to loudly bitch and whine about
"oh but games were made on it!!!!111!" yeah not without fucking horrific spaghetti code and 900000 different libraries and dependancies designed just to make a single fucking window

  • 10
    LOL nice read. Btw., I'm using Ar... uhm, C. :)
  • 8
    literally what is the point of this rant
    >Can all be solved by thinking more than a minute
  • 6
    Do you like anything
  • 17
    Doesn't like C++
    Doesn't like Unity
    Doesn't like C#

    Welp, someone throw this guy Python already and give him easy street.
  • 6
    Spent 3 years working in C++, made several functional things.
  • 1
    1) wrong
    2) wrong
    3) wrong
    Please update your knowledge of this language before ranting about it's shortcomings.
  • 2
    >he has his gripes with three things so give him the thing for children
    yeah sure fuck you too, I thought this place was supposed to be for venting frustrations with software development anyways
  • 0
    >what is hyperbole
  • 7
    @antisocialite no one prevents anyone roasting the ranter as well 🀷‍♂️ it's not murica, you know
  • 0
    I can handle normal programming.
    That DOES NOT MEAN I can't get angry about whatever issues I have with it, regardless of who's fault it may be, and rant about it.
  • 1
    don't care if it's america or not
    I do not appreciate being made out to be a retard because I get mad every few months about whatever shit it is that I'm working with
  • 9
    @antisocialite πŸ˜…shit, you'll trigger a Python dev saying it's for kids.
    No, if I was going to call you a child I'd line you up with Scratch or EmojiCode.

    You can have you're gripes, we can have ours too, that's kinda how "free speech" works πŸ˜‚

    Plus that's the point of here, you rant about your lackings or frustrations and we all laugh with you since we've probably been in the same boat somewhere along the line.
  • 2
    @iiii Error messages in C++ can easily exceed the size of your actual program just because you forgot a semicolon in some template. Then again, it's common practice as well as common sense to prohibit the use of templates except those provided by the STL.
  • 6
    Guess what. The language gets updates(C++20 being the latest). No way. Who could've seen that coming.

    I've worked on several things in C++; some of which wouldn't even work with other langs(processing/memory constraints). Language has nothing to do with spaghetti
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop yes, that is true, in rare cases the errors can be very cryptic (had such myself not so long ago) but most of the times the errors are descriptive and readable.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop STL is a powerful tool. Not using it sounds crazy. It can crazy reduce the amount of code you write.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Well Python is a good learning language for kids...
  • 0
    @electrineer don’t be a dick c annoys me too
    I don’t touch the shot unless I’m trying to figure out how something works or fix a quick issue to get something to build
  • 0
    It’s fast they just need a new expanded syntax
  • 0
    @C0D4 python sucks compared to c#! C# just doesn’t have shut written for it because it’s Microsoft’s baby
  • 1
    @iiii duck you no one prevents anything in Murica except living without unnecessary stress ! Lol
  • 1
    @Demolishun You may want to re-read my comment.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop I meant templates. They can reduce code significantly. I cannot imagine not using those to do specific things. But I also don't agree with writing EVERYTHING with templates.
  • 1
    @Demolishun "EXCEPT those provided by the STL" means "yes, you can use the STL." That's exactly because these are the ones you need often, they are useful, and they save code.

    But no, you don't want devs to create their own templates because you will not be able to maintain the resulting template hell in the future.

    The difference to STL templates? Well, the S in STL gives it away: these are well-known so that the next dev you hire will be familiar with them.

    Also, the STL is already debugged even for fringe cases. You can rely on that just as much as on the compiler.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop did you just say Arc?
  • 1
    @galileopy Oh, didn't even notice. :)
  • 1
    Okay, seriously now apart from the funny.
    Unity really has become bloated as fuck recently.
  • 3
    @C0D4 Wait….there are adults who use python?
  • 1
    Git gud lmaooo
  • 1
    @boombodies Shaddup! ;-) Get off my lawn!
  • 3
    Hey lads, its community to rant, no? Let the guy be, maybe he is just venting after frustrating Cpp debug session, you never know.

    If you insist, Im in camp more cpp = more good, but for certain tasks. Also im in camp more php = more good, but for certain tasks. Pick your tools for your tasks
  • 0
    @DubbaThony why can't we rant about his rant? πŸ€”
  • 4
    I understand your frustration, it takes a lot of experience to understand how linking works and how to correctly interpret C errors.

    At the same time, most of your rant is factually incorrect. You're complaining about the language, but you're not showing a lot of understanding of the language or how it functions. Which is why people get defensive about the language. From our perspective you're kinda saying "Fuck hammers, it takes 3 years to screw a screw with them, they were invented sooo long ago, and when I plug them into a charger It doesn't tell me what percentage they are at" yknow?
  • 2
    C++ is both, completely awesome and completely horrible! I really don‘t know if I should love it or hate it. So I do both.
  • 0
    @boombodies it has its uses, for me it's a short list.
  • 1
    I think cpp is the only language that will get a massive support reaction like this. That's awesome.
  • 1
    @galileopy Just like any language, you can do massively awesome code and massively fucked up code. There is a lot of fucked up c++ code on github.
  • 1
    @Demolishun in just saying. If I say Js sucks or php sucks. No one will step up and much less will it invoke a legion of coders to defend those languages
  • 1
    @galileopy because scripting languages generally suck much more
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