
I like coding. I am a professional coder. But I feel I am not very good at it. My colleagues are so creative and fast with their solutions. And here I am, always in awe and never seem to feel like becoming an expert in coding. The thoughts are tiring 😪

  • 0
    Notably some of them may have
    Been recreating the same code over and over again
  • 1
    Don’t ever say that syndrome!
  • 2
    @rutee07 claiming to have thst syndrome without proof from physciatrist should be bannable offense.
  • 1
    Not having a degree of imposter syndrome from time to time would be pretty unhealthy IMO
  • 2
    Well I could be wrong but when you say “fast with their solutions” there’s a good chance that also equals shit solutions.

    To an extent experience will allow you to go faster and get things right first time more often than not.

    But most of the time when people refer to a dev being really fast what they’re overlooking is that they’re also not doing things in the best or right way.
  • 0
    Well, there are always people better than you

    Being the best is rare and also meaningless
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