
I tried...
I failed...

I give up...

Just going to go back to being selfish now... trying to change others and rally support just ain't my thing and isn't worth my time or energy.

Guess good thing I didn't start on the Collab idea... Not many people would use it...

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    Understandable, have a great life. 🤗
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    Get some donuts to cheer up yourself
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    There is no failure in trying, only a failure of achieving the goals you set for yourself.

    Funny thing with goals and failure, you learn by failing and you can refine your goals. Don't give up on your dreams because you didn't achieve success the first time.
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    @sariel goal I guess still there but need a different way of doing it.

    Aka do it for myself instead of others.

    Guess sorta like how I do dev, build it for myself... If others want it great...

    Otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    Trying to change other people is a bad thing. Lucky you didn't succeed.
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    @galileopy you heard it here first folks.

    Don't try to stop your friend from doing drugs.

    It's wrong to change who they are, even though they're destroying their family.
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