Ads in Window 10?... owh why not put in every apps or files open....

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    I know you can disable a lot of the bumpf in Windows 10, but that they include the ads at all is ugly. I expect ads on a website, but I want my OS to be a safe space where I can just get on with work and not be distracted. Bleugh.
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    Imagine having to watch a 30 second ad before opening a file
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    @liammartens Sadly i can...

    I can also see DLC like "View the files YOU created but somehow don't own for $1.99 per month."
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    @liammartens no way... it's annoying...
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    @Jilano yes...
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    @lb13 yes...that what we want for OS right...ada only in website or else...not in OS level
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    @liammartens @nblackburn Didn't they do that with the built-in Microsoft Solitaire? I recall reading that it shows ads unless you buy the full version.
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    Between the ads and the inconsistent pseudo-tablet UI (ahem "Windows Settings"), it makes it very hard for me to take a liking to Windows 10.

    Ads on the lock screen, ads on the start menu, ads in Windows Explorer. They decided that a good look for Windows was to make it look like a crappy free hosting Tripod website?

    Oh, it also downloads garbage-tier games from the MS store without your permission. I thought I had a virus when I saw in Event Viewer that it had downloaded and installed some shit Disney Frozen game. WTF, I don't even have a MS account (I use a local NT account).

    I've heard the ads are still there even with full paid-for retail copies (ie, not the free upgrade one). If that's true then that's really taking the piss.

    Is Windows 10 trying to be the best advertisement for Linux?
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