Snapchat, then Instagram, then WhatsApp, then effin FB messenger...

  • 11
    devRant already has a Stories feature, but I think you don't mean that one :P
  • 46
    Our next update has a stories feature where you can upload up to 15 images at once telling about your day!!
  • 3
    @dfox how innovative!
  • 4
    @dfox oh god please be sarcasm
  • 33
    @jckimble no seriously! We think the community will love it. It will make it a seamless experience to upload 10 photos of your dog/cat that you took throughout the day. The only rule of this new feature is "make sure it's not too dev-related" because we want to make sure it mimics the experience of Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook perfectly.
  • 14
    (This image is coming in handy today)
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  • 7
    @sam9669 @devoutpost the give away is "too devrelated" this is devrant if we strip out the dev it would be a bunch of teenage girls complaining on how they got detention for putting on make up in class
  • 12
    @sam9669 no worries, I know the wait is stressful but you don't even have to wait long for it, it'll be released next week.
  • 6
    I shouldn't​have laughed this loudly in the train. 😂😂😂😂
    Maybe I'm now in somebody's​ story. :D
    Anyways great troll, @dfox .
  • 2
    Oh god @dfox, you made me cry laugh with your commitment to the bit :D thank you for that!
  • 1
    Yohohohohohohohoho that was a good joke xD
  • 2
    How about update a log of your system a day? Or database log? Or some error log? Or 5 rage boss image a day?
  • 1
    What about statistics @dfox
    How long we kept on devrant,
    Analyse of used programming languages framework etc,
    From which country,
    Or something like this :)
  • 5
    Snapchat - original
    WhatsApp - owned by Facebook
    Instagram - owned by Facebook
    FB Messenger - owned by Facebook
    See the pattern?

    devRant - soon to be owned by Facebook? :O
    (pls no)
  • 1
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