Here's the question, have you encounter a Karen in your workplace or customer who is a Karen?

What's your sorry?

  • 6
    I don’t sorry.
  • 3
    @Cyanide You must be a Karen is disguise. Which is why you don't sorry. ;-)
  • 1
    so when did you start adopting hipster terms describing some whore filling a particular fetish that also gives people an excuse to abuse people who are stuck as just an example of another diminuitive term here ?
  • 4
    Karen's my indirect manager, 3 levels up. Ironically she's about as far from a "Karen" as you can imagine.

    Actual "Karen's" though - just treat them professionally and like you would anyone else at first. When they become unreasonable,just walk away.
  • 3
    @Demolishun Nah man. I am already many sorry. I no more sorry.
  • 2
    I wonder what people actually named "Karen" feel like when browsing the web today...
  • 2
    Here's the secret. Everyone has a little Karen in them. Some of us are just brave or stupud enough to let the Karen out
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