I've resigned 3 weeks ago. I have also completed my handover process.

Yesterday I was told that I have to work in the weekend and at night because project delivery date is the following week.

Kindly I responded that I have resigned and working on weekends and late nights won't benefit me in anyway now actually I wasn't benefiting from working on weekends and late nights even before my resignation.

Project manager is pissed off at me.

Oh well, it is what it is 🤷

  • 22
    send him an offer quadruple of what you had got before resigning for the billable hours.
  • 32
    Want me to work? Pay me.
    This is my off-hours rate. (2.5x)

    And because I don’t like you or the project, here is my off-hours-plus-grievance rate. (4x)
  • 17
    Heh, "have to". So they tried the good ol', "crap, we're fucked - let's put pressure on the employee, let them fold so we get the work done and still save money".

    Too bad that didn't work. Now they will either accept the reality of not finishing on time or negotiate to pay ridiculous amounts, because now there is an added bullshit percentage.
  • 11
    They are right, don’t you know that working is a PrIvIlEgE???

    You should work because you CaRe about our -totally not morally (dark) grey- project.

    Where is your PaSsIoN?!?1!?1!112!!!??

    Kids nowadays expect to be paid, they should be ThAnKfUl, back in my days I only made 1/2 what they are paid today. (Sure, life and housing costed less than a quarter it does now, but if my friends want to rent their houses for 800€/month for 10sqm they should be free to do so.)

    - serious part -
    I seriously hope in a revolution in the job market cause so far the only livable wage I see is by being your own company and this sucks.
  • 5
    that's why work laws should be a thing anywhere... here extra hours are paid
  • 9
    Fucking “handover” processes are bullshit to save money on onboarding. When I leave, I leave.
  • 3
    Man. I was in the same situation just about 2-3 weeks ago.
    I love how you handled it. Wish I had done something similar.
  • 1
    @Root there it is again (in response to your first comment) : the need to ask you "will you marry me?"

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