
What if, hear me out
Web application front end
But on unity webgl
And we kill JavaScript

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    You would kill html and css and stengthen JavaScript.
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    Even better, more native apps, less web apps
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    How this is different than adobe flash? Do you wanna create another abomination?
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    Worst devs I found were unity devs.
    Worst pay I found was unity.

    I say nay.
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    Wouldn't that just be even more bloated
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    @Ranchonyx enjoy electron apps that takes 500mb of ram for nothing... I prefer to use the same native app that use 50mb
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    I love linux fanboys devs, they complain about windows and than they develop slow and heavy web apps, in comparison visual studio is fast and light
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    Why yes, I do want to download a huge blob of WASM that includes an inferior clone of the browser's layout engine just to read your shitty cooking blog or buy your cheap plastic crap.
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    A well-written JS-based website can be tiny and efficient through wise use of standard features, spartan cherry picking of dependencies and code splitting. WebGL could only approximate that efficiency if a similar amount of expertise went into the GUI library as did into the browser. Also, pretty much none of the traditional high level languages are fit for the role because in a high level language executable size isn't a design concern.
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    I like the native apps idea :P
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    Native apps aren't a substitute for websites and webapps. You may use a couple websites so often that you would prefer to have a native apps, but you probably also use tens if not hundreds more very rarely. In fact, most of your average website's traffic are temporary visitors who are there for a specific fragment of information. Not only can you not make these people download a desktop app, even just an excessively large bundle size can put them off.
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    @lbfalvy well maybe we remove the bullshit from the js/http/html/css combo :P
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    @lbfalvy I was mainly talking about things like: slack, postman, discord, spotify...
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    @dontbeevil Messaging services and music streaming services should really have feature complete native clients because they're expected to run in the background as one of an unknown number of programs. Postman though, you can just close when you aren't using it.
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    @dontbeevil ironically I think two of those are written in electron lol
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    @AvatarOfKaine All four are, that's his point.
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    No. That's cancer.
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    @lbfalvy and yet the bundle sizes are growing
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    @EpicofGilgamesh enjoy slow apps that use 10 times more reources than a native, meanwhile I'll choose the native one as long as possible.

    P. S.
    You're the same guys that complains if windows use 1mb or 1% cpu or is 1ms slower than Linux right?
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    @ostream yes, we're in 2021 and I much faster, productive and error proof with a mouse, compared to all devs that I met/worked on that feel cool because they use a CLI.

    I use the CLI only when it's the only option
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    @ostream luckily I'm not a noob, I can configure shit and I can use CLI, just prefer the GUI ... oh right I'm not a cool dev enough, enjoy the ++ from the cool devs like you.

    the carpian canal syndrom could be a good point instead, if I would use a normal mouse
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