
Do you think its a shameful if a dev works on +18 social media website?

  • 22
    Nope. Money is money, programming is programming, and sites will be used.
  • 12
    I doubt anyone here has a problem. I even remember some months ago someone asking if porn sites devs have a premium account on the site.

    If you're doing for work, could you answer me that question pls XD
  • 1
  • 2
    Its good for your CV because everyone wants to hack them
  • 0
    Just do whatever pays your bills.
  • 4
    Nothing's shameful... +18 sites usually require extra security... this is good practice for you
    ...also, u cant just mention such a thing without sharing a link 😂😂
  • 3
    I'd say no, but at the same time I wouldn't add it to my resumé, since a few employers might pass you for that. But money is money man, and if you like doing it, who are we to judge?
  • 0
    Website is sitll in development but its like 18+ fb. With similar functionality. And there is no porn you would like to see, haha
  • 0
    @roszpun damn... well, actually I would include it in my resumé if there is no porn. Especially if it's a big scale project (of course it is)
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