My brother did something so stupid, I'm even doubting my relationship to him.

So yesterday he goes of to a friend of his and takes his MBP with him.

Later that evening he messages me : dude i got trolled big time, but reaaaally big time.

I ask him what's up, and what he replied to me, i still cant comprehend.

He said that he had lag on his mb when playing a game so he went to the internet and he came across a post with a command ... 'sudo rm -rf /' and someone else replying 'thanks bud, solved the problem for me'. So he went ahead and removed his root partition lol . I was like : WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ENTER A COMMAND YOU DONT KNOW WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP.

It made me think of another post here 'sudo like you have no backups'

  • 45
    Trolling successful.

    VictimsSoFar ++;
  • 8
    @eeeddr well i wouldn't go so far to call him a retard, he's just a noob and trusted the guy commenting. I called him naive and a bit dumb that's it. Also he didn't ask me for help, he just wanted to share his experience lol ,he accepted his mistake and just formatted his Mac.
  • 1
    Disown him. Lol. Kidding.

    Two rules. Know what you do when you sudo. Else don't use sudo. And don't login as root without reason.
  • 0
    Well at least that, I'm sure my brother would've called me the second after crying for help, and that's why I'd call him a retard, for not thinking and then calling me like I'm the fix to all of his problems.
  • 0
    Bahaha what a massive bellend
  • 0
    I don't think I've ever needed to use the abbreviation MBP...
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