
Fuck SO mods who think they know best. Bunch of fucking ass-wipes.

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    You know you can run for a moderator yourself...
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    @kamen I know. I'm not even that far away from that mark.

    I'm just frustrated because I saw a post that was admittedly, badly formatted but had a legitimate question from a newish account. It was immediately downvoted and I saw the close votes going up in real time while I was writing an answer.

    And then the assholes have the nerve to reprimand me for trying to help in comments by copy pasting a rules and guidelines link (since I could no longer answer) while posting copy-paste [read how to ask question here], [your question is vague because yadda yadda yadda]. It was clear enough to me but it's easy to act high and mighty and god forbid someone actually tries helping on a Q&A site.
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    well, you gotta admit: 90% of questions being submitted to SO nowadays are pure, weapons-grade garbage.

    so yeah, _obviously_ there's gonna be some overspill on the few questions that _barely_ fulfil the quality requirements that stackoverflow has.

    and yeah, _obviously_ the texts are going to be copy-pasted, because handling those 90% garbage with hand-typed responses is plain impossible.

    and yeah: if you write a question that's bad, _you should_ read how to write a good question instead. if you write a question that's off-topic, you _should_ read what is on-topic. and if you're either unwilling or unable to spend those very very few minutes _to learn_ how to properly use the platform, _you should_ get downvoted to hell and back.

    also: if the question itself was okay, and only formatting/wording was bad (which qualifies it for downvotes. plain and simple), you can _edit_ the question and vote to reopen it.
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    @tosensei ok come clean ..u landed that head SO moderator gig a while back ;)
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