
"You will get a month to finish this project."

"I will be honest and give you are a realistic deadline. It will take about 2 months."

"But ${random} company told me they will take one month."

"As you can see from your previous project, they will say one month and will drag it to two-three months by making excuses"

"No, I don't think you are good enough for it. I will pass it to them."


  • 24
    Ohh yes those kind of customers deserve a special place in hell :/
  • 25
    People say they want realistic quotes, but their actions say the opposite
  • 34
    Just lie from the beginning
  • 0
    @DrEmann Hahaha genius xD
  • 2
    Can't let the truth get in the way of a good story!..
    I can have a meeting with my boss about an idea. The next day it's in the sales pitch as if it's already real.... πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‘
  • 1
    @badcopnodonuts don't we all just love it when someone gets the idea of an product, makes roadmap and folks from sales sell that shit right of the bat!!!

    We didn't even started the project!

    Time to change the company!
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