What is the most fucked up office politics you experienced?

  • 13
    Unable to say code base has problems so work on a big ball of mud because if you say anything that isn't positive you get reprimanded

    As a senior engineer.
  • 10
    @dfox This might be a fun 'Weekly Group Rant'
  • 1
    Never wear short shirts or shorts
  • 5
  • 10
    One of many.

    The time a department VP and an area manager conspired to get me fired because I was continually, like on a weekly basis, making their 'golden' web developer look bad by pointing out (with the event logs) that it was his code that was crashing the web site. The morons work in a open office and discussed it openly (I had friends that sat close by)

    VP: "What if we got rid of PaperTrail? Wouldn't that stop the owners from knowing about the crashes?"

    Mgr: "Yes, the owners wouldn't even know about the crashes if it wasn't for PaperTrail."

    My buddy 'Mark' said it best.

    "Morons didn't even whisper. Everyone within 10 feet heard their crap. It wasn't even you that rang the bell to the owners, it was the hundreds and hundreds of customer complaints. VP-Aaron is in deep shit and he knows it. I don't know why they kiss Jeff's ass and afraid to call him out on his shit code. You did, so watch your ass. Its got a bullseye on it"
  • 7
    CEO trying to convince us the hard work we are putting in is not to sell questionable products to Al-Qaeda or any state that does business with them when nobody asked about it...
  • 3
    Strict no pants policy, enforced through draconian checks every morning.
  • 9
    No forks on the desk.

    Spoons? Fine.
    Plates? A-ok.
    Sporks? We got a badass over here, but fine!

    Forks? FUCK NO

    Knives? Yeah they are fine

  • 1
    @ars1 I beg your pardon? No pants? The genitalia must be painful throughout the employment.
  • 4
    Other folks might think this is messed up. Coats/Jackets forbidden to be hung on the back of your chair (most desks are equipped with mini-closet to hang stuff). Like you could be called to HR about it. Not that anyone has, but the campus czar makes it very, very clear NO COATS ON THE BACK OF YOUR CHAIR.

    Want a Barrett 50-Caliber sniper rifle mounted next to your desk? No problem. Just fill out a little piece of paper so HR can catalog it. Lots of folks around me have their pistols, ARs, AKs, in their rifle racks.
  • 2
    @PaperTrail are those freedom weapons there in case someone hangs their jacket in the wrong place
  • 2
    @electrineer I hope to never find out. :)
  • 2
    An asshole manager once demanded "secret" overtime. The company wanted to reach some bullshit "wellness target" so overtime was verboten, but the asshole manager wanted to break TTM records. So he literally sabotaged the CCTV and access card system and had us working undocumented at night.

    In the same company, they had exactly one team with all the indians and southeast Asians. It was fucking segregated.
  • 2
    @PaperTrail thanks, good idea!
  • 3
    A woman climbing the corporate ladder made up a big story about how I was trying to steal the credit on a project we were working on together. Never mind that the project existed because I uncovered the need for it and initiated its first iteration. She was added as a manager of a new global implementation of it and began staking her claim to it as all her idea. The only thing I was “guilty” of was pointing out a weakness in the implementation plan and proposing a fix. For that my female bosses cornered me in one of their offices and interrogated me for 2 hours until I got annoyed and tired enough to “confess” to my sins of patriarchy. I had brought all of the emails documenting my innocence, and even brought HR into the room with me, but the HR person, also a woman, just sat there and disagreed with the black and white plain text of the e-mail and nodded her agreement to everything these two managers said about me. I don’t know how I lasted another day at that company.
  • 2
    .. realizing there's some stuff I'm not even game to post here is ..
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